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Winner of Evento Award as a Speaker and Moderator 

Antti as a Speaker

Ex-Googler, Entrepreneur, Finnish Bestselling Author


ChatGPT and change of work

In this keynote Antti speaks about how work changes along side development of modern work tools. This keynote gives new inspiration and motivation for your work.

Antti opens new factors that will change your work. You will receive new ideas how to implement ChatGPT into your daily life.

Antti dicusses the role of the organization and how as an organization you can utilize ChatGPT currently and in future challenges. In the keynote you will receive tools that can help you to understand how to keep up with the fast pace changes that are happening in today's work society.  

Participants will hear about future possibilities of different AI tools such as ChatGPT.


Ethical AI

When using AI it is important to note the ethics. It is not enough to know the basics of the legislation but also to understand how AI works in all stages. It is important to be able to know how AI makes different decisions and that these tools can hallucinate. 

In the keynote Antti goes through how AI can be used for e.g. in recruitment processes not only from hiring side but also from jobseeker's side.

AI rarely makes all the decisions but it can be a 24/7 sparring partner for you.


Customer experience and technology 

We all have some type of experience with technology. 

How technology shapes customer experience? Can technology do a tailored and personalized experience?

This and many other questions Antti will discuss in his keynote. Many countries have different legislation regarding data management and that is good to keep in mind when working in international environments.


AI and creativity

Many who work with data have been thinking about how AI can help automate their work. However, many wonder will they loose their job to AI?

People in the creative industry have been with out AI tools for a long time. Now these tools can give a support in the creative process. 

OpenAI:n GPT-3 large language model and ChatGPT changed the game. The large language models have in a way read everything from the Internet and based on that can create for e.g. short blog or social media post. 

What it comes to visuals Dalle2 can create new images based on the given prompts.

How does your company's creatives use AI?

Antti's keynote will explain and give inspiration how to use these tools in the best way in order to make your work past more efficient without forgetting quality.


" As a speaker Antti is very clear. He does extensive background work, and it's very easy to work with him."

-Teppo Valtonen
