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How AI tools shape today's work?

Microsoft Copilot -training

Long waited Microsoft Copilot is here! Have you implemented this AI tool in your daily work? Are you faceing issues or bottlenecks when implementing the tool to your work?Copilot offers different possibilities when using different Microsoft tools such as Word, Excel ja PowerPoint.
Wouldn't it be fun to delegate your work to AI? With Microsoft Copilot it is possible. It will give you the possibility to concentrate more on tasks that create more value.
Forget manual work and concentrate more on strategy or other work that create more value. Copilot understands context, data and helps you manage these better.
If you are looking for an inspirational keynote or training on AI tools such as Microsoft Copilot, look no further!
For each Microsoft tool you can have own training Word, Excel ja PowerPoint.
You can send an email to  antti@merilehto.com or send an inquiry. Me or my team will get back to you as soon as possible.